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Creating User Friendly Online Shopping Carts

The First Step: Create A User-Friendly Web Site.

Solicit the opinions before you launch your web site.
What is, or is not, a user-friendly web site is a very subjective thing. You might work on a web site for months and assume that you have a user-friendly site only to discover that other people do not agree with you. Don’t be discouraged! Grow a thick skin and keep an open mind to the suggestions from other people. A web site should always be a work in progress. That thought leads us to the first step in creating a user-friendly web site: solicit the opinions of others. Preferably you would want to get the opinions of web-savvy people but it is important to also get the opinions of people who do not use the web all the time.

Keep the jargon to a minimum.
To make your online shopping cart successful you need to anticipate how your customers will view your web site. Do not use jargon, or terminology that is highly specialized without explaining what you mean by these terms.

'Test drive' your site.
Before you launch your web site, test it out first. Make sure that all the links are work and do not lead to nowhere. These are called ‘dead links’ and web site visitors find them very frustrating. Make sure that your links are clearly labeled. The links should be descriptive of the page that your visitors will see when they click on the link.

Successful online shopping carts are easy to navigate and have an intuitive feel to them. You probably won’t build the ‘perfect’ web site on your first try, but keep improving it and always listen to you customers.

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