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How do I create a coupon?
The coupon builder follows the same discount format as individual product discounts.
To make a coupon, follow these steps :- In Cart Administration, click on 'Coupons' under the 'Extra Features' heading.
- Click on 'Create A New Coupon'.
- Assign it a coupon ID. This is what your customers will type in to redeem the coupon.
- Set the discount code. A reference chart is available that shows you how to make discounts.
- Set the priority. When multiple coupons might apply to a single item, the coupon with the highest priority is used. The priority level 'unique' causes the coupon to be applied regardless of what other coupons are already applied.
- If you don't want the coupon to be immediately valid, but start at a future time, set the 'Valid From' or start date to that time.
- Set the expiration date.
- If you want the coupon to Automatically Add This Coupon To All Carts, check this box. This will add the coupon to ALL of your customers' carts without their having to do anything. This is useful for promotional events such as a sale.
- Put the part numbers that you want to apply toward the discount, into the Part Number XXX List, one per line. Select 'Include' from the drop-down menu. Alternatively, if the majority of your part numbers are to be included, but a small number need to be excluded, you can select 'Exclude' from the drop down menu and enter only the part numbers that are not to be counted toward the discount.
Note: If you want all items to count toward the discount, you can simply leave the box blank.
- Redemption Part Number XXX List Products listed here will receive the discount for this coupon. Again, enter one part number per line. If this list is left blank then the Part Number Include/Exclude List (see number 9.) is used.
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