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Pre Address URL

This will allow you to direct your shopper to a custom URL before they begin the final checkout process.

If this option is left blank, the page will not be included during checkout.

For your convenience, we pass certain information to this page. Variables that will be passed are:

Where X = 1..number of products in cart

Where X = 1..number of products in cart

CustomerID (max 255 characters)
The value you passed into the CustomerID earlier, if any.

Pass this back into the shopping cart to allow the customer to continue on with the checkout process.

Recommended: Use "HTTPS". In order to prevent browser warnings about leaving a secured site we recommend that you send customers to an HTTPS secured URL on your website. Using HTTP will still work, but the browser warning may discourage your shoppers.

To return to the cart and continue with the checkout you would use the following link:
Recommended: Use "HTTPS". While the cart will work fine with just HTTP shoppers may not wish to enter their information on a non-secured page. Note: even if you load the HTTP page, LinkPointCart will still send the data using HTTPS but a shopper can't tell that without being an experienced webmaster.

SkipPreAddress options:
SkipPreAddress=onceThe shopping cart will skip your page. This will ONLY skip the page if it were to be displayed immediately following the current page.
SkipPreAddress=false(Default) Will show your page instead of the address page.
SkipPreAddress=trueDisables the "Pre Address URL" for this shopper until the SkipPreAddress is set to false again.
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